
Inner human rEvolution

You believe that – besides strength you will need a large amount of self knowledge, confidence, self-leadership and intuition to navigate through these unchartered waters?
Do you want something to evolve from the inside to the outside?

If that is the case, the inner human rEvolution programmes are for you. They serve as a catalyst for personal, professional and social transformation.

Not only do these programmes bring you an added professional value, they also represent a true chance to reach clarity on different levels and to trigger wholehearted living

" This is a sentence that has impressend me deeply: from the wise American Author Parker Palmer, who has been important to me: He had this sentence that I will never forget.Where he sais – I get emotional every time –He sais that for a long time he led the life he thought he was supposed to live, until he understood that he could simply surrender to listen to the life that wants to be lived through him. And that I find is a magnificent sentence. 
Actually, all I need to do is to listen to the life that wants to be lived through me".
 Fréderic Laloux, Web-Session on GAIA/ Presencing Institute 


Events & Retreats


Transformational Compass

Times of shift are challenging us to stay focused and to align the direction of our own transformation with the change happening in the outside. Outside changes.

A visual compass can clearly signpost the way to your own starting point.  

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MY Timeout

People need moments for themselves to realign - especially in times of crisis and of significant change.

In this individual timeout you and your inner voice are in the focus of attention. You are the one who chooses the setting for your personal retreat.

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Transformational Coaching

Here you can focus on different turning points that have been and are decisive for your personal growth. THIS is the time of growth. Day by day you are challenged to align with new truths. Which one is our personal truth?

Transformational Coaching is not about seeking for a quick fix to a problem - it is connecting to what is challenging you in your life RIGHT NOW. 

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TransformationAL Cracks

"There is a crack in everything, and that's where the light gets in"

Leonhard Cohen, Anthem

You recognize transformation by the cracks that it causes or by the pain of stretching, when something has become too tight

Here you can find some useful tipps how to lean into your transformational journey of becoming more then you thought you were. 

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