Leadership & Project Coaching


Free 30 min Orientation call
evolving PROFESSIONALLY from within


Leaderhip Coaching/ Project Leadership Coaching

As a leader, project leader or person in charge, you are looking to include current trends in your leadership style.

For future-oriented leadership, you seek coaching that will help you take hold of your complex challenges, set priorities and look a little further outside the box.

You want coaching that will help you

  • understand your most complex challenges
  • set priorities
  • think outside the box away from over-simplistic answers
  • develop a leadership style that suits you from the inside out.

What makes Maria Kaplan's coaching so unique is her high level of professionalism combined with great attentiveness. I felt I was both looked after as a professional and holistically taken care of as a person. This enabled me to develop the best in myself.

Since my first coaching with Maria Kaplan, my life has very much changed for the better: with her help, I have been able to articulate my goals, deal openly and profoundly with any doubts and make clear decisions. She helped me to combine two seemingly irreconcilable concerns that lay close to my heart.

Isabella Summa
Direktorin Familienagentur Südtirol, Italien

At the same time you notice – as Einstein said - that the situations of today can only be tackled on a completely new and different level. 

Which elements have you been considering when it comes to future solutions? Which of your skills have long been ready, but have never been put into practice?

The challenge that lies ahead of you is

  • to deal with the uncertainties and complex framework conditions of our time
  • to meet ever-increasing demands and still remain in harmony with your own values and your personality
  • to be a role model for other people and yet to know for yourself that there is no master plan
  • to lead in an organization that may have a different pace of development to your own
  • to establish a common basis with stakeholders, despite the barriers of cultural, technological and strategic differences
  • to review the priorities of your different roles and responsibilities and define your own leadership style from within, with or without formal authorisation to go beyond models and categories
  • to go forward courageously and consciously and to stand by your very own way of leading
  • see your successes AND sticking points from the perspective of your own evolution

The new generation of project and leadership coaching that views challenges holistically can quickly advance you through significant steps forward.

Would you like more information? Why not arrange a free-of-charge introductory chat with me?

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